Incy Wincy came to visit….

I think Incy Wincy Spider was upset we had chosen a new song to learn this week as he came to see us in our classroom. We put him in a box and let the children all have a look at him and say hello. Then we safely let him go outside in the sunshine.

Some children then pretended he had come back again using our toy spiders…..

What was our nursery rhyme this week…….??

This week the Jewels have had great fun learning a new nursery rhyme and using it in their play.

Our rhyme this week was ‘1 2 3 4 5 once I caught a fish alive’. We have enjoyed singing this with our friends and going fishing ourselves!! We have been matching the coloured fish we caught and counting how many. We also had fun making our own fish!

Why not sing the rhyme at home with your child….

Look out for our new rhyme next week….. I will give you a clue it is about an animal that goes “baa baa” 🙂

The blue balloon and other colours!!

We read a story at snack time this week called ‘The Blue Balloon’ and the children really enjoyed it. We have been using my balloon pump to blow up balloons then let them go, they do make a funny a noise and it makes us all giggle!!!!!

So we decided to play a colour matching game with some balloons and talked about which colours we liked the best. Then we had fun once the balloons were blown up tapping them to keep them off the floor!

Have a look at the fun we had….

Incy Wincy needs a web….

Our nursery rhyme this week is ‘Incy Wincy Spider’ and we had a brilliant time today cheering poor old Incy up by making him a web!!

We had to ‘hold and roll’ the ball of wool to our friends in the circle and by the end we were all linked together and had made a web for Incy to enjoy!

The children did a fantastic job at following instructions, waiting their turn and ALL joining in! I am very proud of them all. Well done Jewels! 🙂

I’m a little teapot….

Our first nursery rhyme this week was ‘I’m a little teapot‘ and we have great fun playing in our own tea room and making tea for our friends!

I have had lots of cups of tea made for me which has been lovely 🙂

We matched patterns on cups and saucers and made some of our own. We counted and sorted teapots to different numbers.

Why not have a go at singing it at home!!

Look out for another nursery rhyme next week……. 🙂

Mrs Nunns x

Welcome back Jewels!!!!

Hello Jewels! We want to wish you all a warm welcome to our class and we look forward to meeting all our new friends over the next few weeks.

This half term we are learning about nursery rhymes and I am sure the children will come home singing you some lovely ones we have sung in class!! 🙂