Class Dojo!!

Happy new year everyone!

We are now using the app ‘Class dojo’ to connect with you all at home. You have all been sent an invite through email and we would love everyone to register. If you are having trouble registering please phone the school office 01142760472 and they can support you.

Job Application for Senior/Principal Product Manager at ClassDojo

When you can’t find a paint brush use a Christmas tree….

So my Christmas tree I bought for my house was a little bit too big and bushy so Mr Nunns cut some off for me and I took it to Nursery to show my Jewels. We all smelt it and enjoyed that Christmas smell.

Then we had great fun using the Christmas tree branches to make patterns and marks in the paint. We picked red, green and gold which are traditional Christmas colours and the children had a brilliant time splatting and swirling the branches in the paint. 🙂

Its beginning to look at lot like Christmas…

In the Jewels this week we have started to learn about what happens at Christmas time and the children have been helping to decorate the nursery making Christmas tree with sparkles and colour.

They have also helped Santa by wrapping lots of presents in the Christmas workshop which has been great for our fine motor skills, wrapping, cutting, tying up ribbons and writing the gift tags.

We have been busy, take a look….

Fun in the forest…

Some of the Jewels had their first visit to the forest area in school today. Shayne was there to help and support us and even made a fire for us too. We decorated bear masks with mud and grass and then went on our own bear hunt around the forest, going under, through and over different obstacles.

Then we enjoyed a nice hot chocolate drink and some popcorn and milky ways by the fire! The Jewels were so excited and behaved like such grown up children I was very proud.

Have a look at the messy fun we had…..

We’re going on a Bear Hunt…

The Jewels have had great fun this week acting out the Bear Hunt story outside in the play ground. It might have been a bit messy and a bit wet but the children loved it and used so much story language in their play it was lovely to see and hear.

Oh no mud…thick oozy mud…

Last week we had another rainbow talk session in the Jewels and we looked at the mud from our story. We focused on what we could see, smell but most importantly the way it felt when we touched it! That’s right we put our fingers and our hands in the thick oozy mud!!

Here are some pictures and some of the comments the children made. I was so proud of how they were brave and not at all worried about getting messy! We all had great fun 🙂 great messy fun!

“it’s real mud oooooh”

“its cold”

“its got worms”

“its disgusting”


“its dirty”


Hello from Mrs Nunns….

Just a little hello from me… 🙂

Follow this link and you will find all the Foundation virtual learning pages.

Rememeber you can get in touch with the Foundation Team via email and send us all the brilliant learning you will be doing because we will love to see it!

Have a great day Jewels 🙂

Making caves for the bear.

we have been using different bricks inside and outside to make caves for the ear from our story. The children have worked so well together sharing ideas. Some children thought that the bear needed a door to go in and out but other thought he needed to be secure so he couldn’t get out to catch the family.

Have a look at our hard work today….

Where is the bear?

Thinking about our story of the bear hunt we are learning some positional language. Our new word today was ‘in’. The bear was ‘in’ lots of different places and the children had to find him, put him in places and even have a go at the begin the bear.

The bear is in the basket.

The bear is in the box.

The bear is in the bag.

I wonder what our next word will be tomorrow……